We get it…no one loves getting a mammogram. But it’s the smartest way to detect breast cancer earlier.
Fujifilm's ASPIRE Cristalle, available at the Outpatient 诊断 Center, is built with a better patient experience in mind. The exclusive Comfort Paddle moves four ways, 适应你的身体, 而ASPIRE Cristalle的创新3D技术以低辐射剂量提供了出色的细节.
体验更智能的3D乳房x光检查,提高诊断准确性,减少假阳性结果和回调的机会, when compared to 2D alone.
Here's Why It's a Smarter Kind of Mammogram
更多的 comfortable: There's a reason women find mammograms uncomfortable. Breasts weren't meant to be compressed flat....or, in other words, squished! ASPIRE Cristalle的专利舒适桨旨在轻轻适应您的曲线与四向旋转和灵活的表面. 这样可以更渐进,更均匀地压迫您的乳房,使检查明显更舒适.
更准确的读数:3D乳房x光检查比传统的2D乳房x光检查提供更多的细节. The x-ray system quickly sweeps in an arc over the breast, taking several low-dose images at different angles. These images can be viewed in thin slices. This allows doctors to see your breast tissue layer by layer, which can help reveal abnormalities that might otherwise be hidden.
Fewer callbacks: Callbacks are a fact of life in mammography. 当女性因为图像显示可疑区域而需要额外筛查时,就会出现回调. 在很多情况下, the exam results turn out to be normal, but getting a false-positive result can be stressful. ASPIRE Cristalle先进的图像质量可以帮助减少非癌症病例的回调次数.
在做乳房x光检查时,有疑问是很正常的,尤其是第一次. The following are responses to frequently asked questions that you may find helpful.
Why should you get a mammogram?
乳房x光检查通常可以在任何明显症状或肿块出现之前就发现乳腺癌. 早期检测对于在癌症发展到晚期之前发现癌症至关重要.
Will the 3D exam with the ASPIRE Cristalle feel different?
The Comfort Paddle was designed to be more comfortable than traditional machines. But other than that, it is the same. Your technologist will help position you at the machine in the same way.
Does it take longer than other mammograms?
3D only adds a few seconds to your exam.
Who will read my 3D mammogram?
I've heard of digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT). Is that the same thing as 3D?
是的. That is the clinical term for 3D mammograms.
Is there more radiation with a 3D mammogram?
The radiation dose with 3D mammography is higher than traditional 2D mammograms because of the additional images captured; however, it is still significantly below the dose limit established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
How do I prepare for a 3D mammogram?
准备和传统乳房x光检查一样:不要戴首饰, 除臭, 香水, or lotion on your underarms or torso. Deodorants and powders sometimes contain aluminum, which images similarly to calcifications and can interfere with the imaging process. You will have to undress from your waist up, so wear a shirt with pants, and avoid wearing a one-piece dress. 将乳房x光检查安排在月经之后(而不是在月经之前或期间),以尽量减少疼痛和不适. Limit intake of caffeinated drinks during the week before; caffeine can make breasts more tender, which can lead to more discomfort during the exam.